Year 1 Annual Meeting

The Management Committee met at Beppu (Japan) on October 18th, 2016 for the Year 1 Annual Meeting, in coincidence with SPIRE conference. The following members attended: Susana Ladra (UDC, via videoconference), Antonio Fariña (UDC), Simon J. Puglisi (UH), Alexandre P. Francisco (representing INESC-ID, videoconf.), Nieves R. Brisaboa (representing ENX), Gonzalo Navarro (UCHILE, videoconf.), M. Andrea Rodríguez (UDEC), Hideo Bannai (KU), and Andrew Turpin (UOM, videoconf.). In addition, Travis Gagie attended as former MC member (UH) and was appointed as an External Expert Advisory Board (EEAB) member. Simon Gog (KIT), EEAB member, also attended.

During the meeting, the MC examined the project activities and budget management, revised scheduled secondments and networking activities, and assessed any risks in the project implementation.

The specific agenda was the following:

  1. Welcome
  2. Summary of Year 1 activities
  3. Planning Year 2 activities
  4. WP (Working Packages) status
  5. Financial and progress reports
  6. Closing


Y1 Annual Meeting


Some of the MC members met also during the following week at Dagstuhl Seminar 16431 (Computation over Compressed Structured Data), from 23rd to 28th October, 2016. More concretely, the following members attended: Susana Ladra (UDC), Héctor Ferrada (UH), Juha Kärkkäinen (UH), Gonzalo Navarro (UCHILE), Cecilia Hernández (UDEC), Hideo Bannai (KU), Tomohiro I (KU), and Hiroshi Sakamoto (UK); in addition to two EEAB members: Simon Gog (KIT) and Travis Gagie (Universidad Diego Portales, former contact person at UH).


MC members at Dagstuhl Seminar Dagstuhl Seminar Participats