WP4: Data Structures and Algorithms for Network Analysis

Work Package Info:

Lead beneficiary: UH, Start month: 1, End month 48


  • O4.1: Share the expertise of UDEC, UCHILE and UDC on information retrieval networks and the expertise of INESCID and UH on biological networks.
  • O4.2: Make new contributions to network representation and analysis, to progress in bioinformatics and information retrieval fields.
  • O4.3: Identify areas of future collaborative research between the partners in this research task



  • T4.1: Review of the state-of-the-art in network analysis in the field of bioinformatics and information retrieval.
  • T4.2: Characterization of common tasks and network structures in both fields.
  • T4.3: Proposal of new algorithms and data structures, such as graph compression for different type of networks, compact representation of de Bruijin graphs, efficient representation for collection of phylogenetic trees.
  • T4.4: Evaluation of proposed algorithms and data structures

List of deliverables:

There is one deliverable for this WP consisting in a document that includes a previous study and research done during the project in network analysis in the field of bioinformatics and information retrieval.

Deliv. Number Deliverable Name Lead Beneficiary Dissemination Level Due Date (month) Status
D4.1 Final report of WP4 UH Public 48 Pending