Assembly tool (viaDBG):
This is a software tool that is able to efficiently perform assembly operations on biological sequences. The goal of this prototype was to give visibility to research results of the project and provide an efficient tool that can perform complex operations such as sequence assembly with good performance and reduced memory footprint, by using specific compact data structures and/or algorithms.
Trajectory visualization tool (Trippy):
This is a tool for the efficient visualization of trajectories. Managing large collections of trajectories is a usual problem that needs to be handled by companies with car or sheep fleets, and therefore a relevant research topic in geographic information retrieval. The goal of this prototype was to provide a tool that can efficiently handle a large collection of trajectories with small memory requirements. The prototype includes a GIS interface that enables end-users to query and visualize large datasets about historical transportation routes.
Biological network visualization tool (PHYLOViZ):
This is a software tool for the visualization and management of biological networks. The goal of this prototype was to efficiently handle large biological networks and provide relevant visualization and manipulation operations with a small memory footprint. Relevant work from INESC-ID was the basis for the development of this tool.