WP1: Coordination and Management

Work Package Info:

Work package number: WP1

Lead beneficiary: UDC

Work package title: Coordination and Management

Start month: 1

End month 48



  • O1.1: To coordinate all administrative procedures.
  • O1.2: To regularly monitor and assess the progress of the project.
  • O1.3: To document and distribute all relevant technical discussions and decisions between partners.


  • T1.1: Preparation of Consortium Agreement.
  • T1.2: Management of secondments.
  • T1.3: Coordination of work packages (annual project meetings, progress reports, periodic reports, review of the project, declaration of conformity for all researchers).
  • T1.4: Coordinate financial management.
  • T1.5: Coordinate quality management plan.

List of deliverables:

The deliverables from this WP consist of the set of documents used for planning the project (including the financial
and quality management plans) and the periodic progress reports

Deliv. Number Deliverable Name Lead Beneficiary Dissemination Level Due Date (month) Status
D1.1 Kick-Off Meeting documentation UDC Public 4 Approved
D1.2 Initial financial plan UDC Confidential 12 Approved
D1.3 Quality management plan ENX Public 5 Approved
D1.4 1st Progress Report UDC Confidential 12 Approved
D1.5 2nd Progress Report UDC Confidential 36 Pending