The 14th Workshop on Compression, Text and Algorithms (WCTA 2019) will be held the day after SPIRE ( https://spire19.lbd.org.es), chaired by Susana Ladra and José R. Paramá. WCTA is a forum primarily for early-stage researchers to present their work; there are no published proceedings so the results presented can also be submitted to most other workshops and conferences. WCTA venue is the same as for SPIRE; i.e. Campus Maria Zambrano.
Important Dates
Abstract deadline: September 2nd, 2019 (anywhere on Earth)
Notification: September 11th, 2019
Workshop: October 10th, 2019
Travel grants for students
BIRDS project will provide travel grants to all students presenting their work at WCTA 2019. WCTA is free for all attendees. Thus, travel grants can be used to cover transportation, meals en route, hotel room in Segovia and meal at WCTA. BIRDS will provide grants for all students with an accepted abstract. If the demand exceeds the available budget, travel grants may only cover a portion of the travel expenses, but in any case, at least 500 eur.
In line with the European Charter and Code for Researchers, BIRDS gives special focus to gender balance, as the gender imbalance in our community, and in IT in general, is well-known. Thus, BIRDS guarantees a minimum of 1,000 eur grant for female students presenting at WCTA.
The grant will be paid by reimbursement of costs. To get reimbursed, students will need to send, after the conference, a brief summary of their expenses, with the original receipts attached to a postal address we will provide. The sum of money allocated is a limit, and expenditures past the limit will not be reimbursed.
Application deadline: September 5th, 2019 (anywhere on Earth)
Notification: September 11th, 2019
Application Form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=PuqhzrJgdU-mwqYCLo-WG7-bSbfh51xIhYlI3CW7s29URTMxUUIxWTBOV1ZOTlQzNkk3MUoxS1lPMS4u
Invited Speakers
Nadia Pisanti Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa
Programme Chairs
Susana Ladra, University of A Coruña
José R. Paramá, University of A Coruña
Please, submit the abstract in PDF format using the following link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wcta19